Check out some of my recent projects on GitHub!
- dynamic-react-navbar1 ★
some dynamic react navbars
- multilist1 ★
todolists shoppinglist ...
- AutoGPT0 ★
own version of Significant-Gravitas/AutoGPT
- bad-kicky0 ★
Just another discord bot
- beatGenerator0 ★
awesome stuff
- dashboard0 ★
just a test
- Empyrion-Scripts0 ★
Scripts for Empyrion Game by Sephrajin, using the mod by Astic
- foo0 ★
just foo
- interactive-tutorials0 ★
Interactive Tutorials
- mjkatgithub.github.io0 ★
this is my personal blog. just visit
- monolog-influxdb0 ★
InfluxDB Handler for Monolog, which allows to store log messages to a InfluxDB
- myproject0 ★
just a react native playground
- netplan-wizard0 ★
A wizard for the network-configuration-tool netplan
- ng60 ★
ng6 playground
- pages-health-check0 ★
Checks your GitHub Pages site for common DNS configuration issues
- pricewatch0 ★
Watch Price for V-Server and send E-Mail if it's 1,- €
- PriceWatchDashboard0 ★
this will be the dashboard where you can configure your price watcher
- react-redux-gh-pages-starter0 ★
(in progress) React Redux GitHub Pages Starter Project
- UI-Constructor0 ★
This script initialize a UI project
- wg-easy0 ★
The easiest way to run WireGuard VPN + Web-based Admin UI.